<![CDATA[The Anti National Education Association - Main]]>Thu, 20 Aug 2020 21:46:46 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Libertarian Teacher Blog - The Anti-NEA and the Anti-NJEA Blogs Have Merged.]]>Sat, 06 Oct 2018 18:31:08 GMThttp://nea-info.org/main/libertarian-teacher-blog-the-anti-nea-and-the-anti-njea-blogs-have-merged
I started the Anti-NEA Blog in August of 2017 after I got sick and tired of seeing my union, the National Education Association (NEA), supporting and promoting liberal social "justice" causes which I totally disagreed with.

At that time, I didn't have the option of joining the union.  Like thousands of others, I was forced to pay dues.

For over a year, this platform served me well, allowing me to present a viewpoint to counter the liberal/progressive bias of the New Jersey Education Association.

Then Janus v. AFSCME was decided.

Now that I have opted out of the NEA, I no longer feel the need to focus entirely on countering its bias.  As a result, I have started this new blog.

All future postings will appear at: Libertarian Teacher Blog.

I have been a Libertarian Party member for almost 30 years now and have been teaching in the New Jersey public school system for over 15. 

A libertarian working within the public education system?

It might sound somewhat strange, but I guarantee that the perspective you will read on this blog will be unique - to say the least.

I invite you to visit the new website for commentary about issues in education in the United States today from the perspective of a libertarian.
<![CDATA[What’s Next?  Overdue Library Books?]]>Thu, 04 Oct 2018 13:37:10 GMThttp://nea-info.org/main/whats-next-overdue-library-books
In my last blog post, I characterized the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing as a circus.

A Sobering Lesson for My 17-Year-Old Son

All you have to do is follow the mainstream news and you will see evidence of this everywhere.

Unfortunately, the NEA has played its part in this circus also, because its president, Lily Eskelsen Garcia decided to inject her opinions into the matter.

When he was first proposed by President Trump, Garcia had the following to say:

The Supreme Court Matters to Us All

“If Kavanaugh is confirmed as the next justice, the court will further advance an agenda that favors the wealthy and powerful … We cannot trust Kavanaugh to protect students and educators.”

Although I don’t agree that Kavanaugh will harm students and educators, there is some available evidence that this may be the case.  The NEA actually published an article which provided credible sources to support its point of view.

Who is Brett Kavanaugh

Readers can peruse it and make up their own minds.

Of course, the attempt to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation by claiming that he wouldn’t “protect students and educators” didn’t gain much traction.

So then the NEA gave up and acquiesced to the idea that he would be the next Supreme Court justice …

Of course not. 

When the Democrats released allegations of sexual misconduct on Kavanugh’s part at the very last minute, Garcia jumped at the chance to find another way to possibly delay the hearings. 

As the Kavanaugh nomination proceeds, what messages are our students getting?

“We’ve all been reading and talking about Brett Kavanaugh and the allegations he’s facing of sexual assaults committed in high school and college … The allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are serious and should not be brushed aside.”

Even here, I can understand why Garcia might have a case.  But I also get the feeling that the Democrats waited until the last minute to reveal this information on purpose.  It has all the hallmarks of a dirty, political trick.

Well, after the Senate held hearings last Thursday, the legitimacy of the sexual assault allegations began to be seriously questioned.

So what is the new tactic to derail the hearings?

Now the focus is on Kavanaugh’s personality. 

We are to understand that he is:

“But here’s what I do know: Kavanaugh’s demeanor last week…his sense of entitlement…his snarling anger and sarcasm…his outright hostility, nastiness, disrespect…and his blatant hyper-partisanship should be disqualifying.”

And a Liar
“In fact, no matter what the FBI finds, Kavanaugh’s lies throughout his confirmation, while under oath, should be disqualifying in and of themselves.”

That is what Garcia chooses to emphasis in her recent blog post.

Demand courage from our senators. Call them. Write them. Shout from the streets and rooftops

So, when this one doesn’t work, what’s next?

Claim that he is disqualified for the Supreme Court because he never paid fines on his library books from grade school?

Thankfully this will all be over soon.  The FBI has submitted its report to the Senate and the vote will probably be taken before the end of the week.

Based on the betting site PredictIt, Kavanaugh will most likely be confirmed (81% probability).

The only downside is that the NEA and the Democrats have already poisoned the well.  Kavanaugh and his family will have to live with this for the rest of their lives.

How sad that NEA and its President were accessories in all of this nonsense.
<![CDATA[NEA President Garcia Just Can’t Seem to Help Herself]]>Tue, 02 Oct 2018 23:08:52 GMThttp://nea-info.org/main/nea-president-garcia-just-cant-seem-to-help-herself

NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia is right to consider this a topic of concern and worthy of serious discussion.  Because October is Anti-Bullying Month, she understandably focuses her latest Lily’s Blackboard column on this issue.

Stepping Up and Stepping In to Prevent Bullying

In that column, she invited fellow NEA member, Rob Lundien, to discuss his experiences as a guidance counselor at Park Hill South High School in Riverside, MO.

All of this is well and good – Lundien makes some excellent points.

There’s only one problem.

This guidance counselor decided to inject politics into his otherwise informative commentary.

Consider this line:

“Even though I haven’t had any students specifically blame their bullying behaviors on a political leader or related authority figure, the reality is that we are all soaking up the discourse around us. It seeps into our everyday lives, and I believe it has some effect on how students treat each other.”

In case you don't see it, that quote contains a not-so-veiled reference to President Donald Trump.

Don’t believe me?

Well, this next one will almost certainly convince you – it is even more overt:

“Since it is Anti-Bullying Month, I’m going to ask myself questions like that, and I challenge everyone to do the same. Let’s take a look at ourselves in the mirror, and let’s all pledge to be kind to one another and ‘Make America Nice Again.’”

“Make America Nice Again.”

Cute ...even … clever?

Perhaps, but also biased and uncalled for given the seriousness of the issue?

Of course, Garcia didn’t write those words, but she did allow them to be published on a blog that bears her name.

She could easily have just edited them out - but she chose not to.

Does that mean she agrees with these comments?

I don't know, but are you are familiar with the Catholic idea of a sin of omission?

So, for all of the union members out there who tell me that dues money doesn’t support any political agenda, I present to you this indirect way that the NEA inappropriately and unnecessarily interjects politics into education.

When members tell NEA President Garcia to stay out of politics, this is the kind of thing that they are talking about.

In fact, I just wrote about this back in late September:

Clueless … or Worse?  The NEA President’s Recent Comments

Here is a short summary of what I said in that posting:

NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia was interviewed by Education Week this past July and she took issue with the following complaint from a member:

"The problem with NEA is you're too political, you should get out of politics." 

In case Garcia doesn't understand the point, "get out of politics” means keeping your political opinions to yourself.  The only thing that the NEA should be focused on is advocating for teacher salary, benefits and pensions.

These are things all members agree on.

Will the NEA President ever learn that there are hundreds of thousands of members who do not support her view of politics?
Probably not, because she lives in a bubble.  Surrounded by fellow liberals and progressives, she doesn’t recognize that more than half of her members don’t fit into that political category.

Don’t believe that most NEA members are either moderate or conservative (rather than liberal/progressive)?

Check out the research I did using Facebook to prove this:

Insult on Top of Injury - How the NEA Treats its Conservative Members

I have said it before but it bears repeating now:

Thank God that the Janus v. AFSCME decision went the way it did.  Now we can “vote” on the decisions and actions of the NEA by withdrawing our financial support.

I did it this past month – I opted out of paying dues.

If you haven’t done so, maybe now is the time.
<![CDATA[A Sobering Lesson for My 17-Year-Old Son]]>Sun, 30 Sep 2018 23:51:42 GMThttp://nea-info.org/main/a-sobering-lesson-for-my-17-year-old-son
So much has already been written about the Brett Kavanaugh subject, that I hesitate to add my own observations.

But NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia’s latest Blackboard commentary provided the impetus for what you will read here.

You won’t find any argument in opposition/support of Kavenaugh’s confirmation for Supreme Court Justice.  Obviously if you are liberal you don’t like him and if you are conservative you do.

My concern is that Garcia has failed to recognize the REAL message that students are taking away from what has become a nomination circus.

The title of her Blackboard post is in the form of a question:

As the Kavanaugh nomination proceeds, what messages are our students getting?

I invite you to contrast that message according to Garcia vs. the message according to me.

Garcia contends that the Republican reaction to the allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of Kavenaugh has been devastating to “survivors of sexual assault:”
“It is tragic that Republican leaders did not take these allegations seriously … they missed an opportunity to send a powerful and unequivocal message that we believe and support survivors of sexual assault …”
Which leads to the message that Garcia believes has been passed along to students:

“They’re wondering: If I tell my mom or dad or teacher or counselor that I was assaulted or harassed, will they listen … Will they insist that what happened wasn’t that bad, or that it really didn’t happen the way I said it did?”

The Kavenaugh confirmation process has become a political game on the part of both Republicans and Democrats.  Both have their agendas, and both are pushing to get what they want.

It is important to acknowledge this fact if you want to understand why both sides are employing underhanded tactics (to varying degrees) to attain their separate goals.  The stakes are that high.

Now, Garcia may want to claim the high-road-status – principled, above the fray, concerned only about “the children” and “the students.  But her claim is merely a thin layer of camouflage to cover the obvious fact that the NEA just doesn’t want Kavanaugh to be appointed to the Supreme Court:

  1.  “… the National Education Association already is on the record opposing Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the merits of his troubling record …”
  2. Judge Kavanaugh … is unfit and lacks the character to serve in the U.S. Supreme Court … he lacks the temperament and disposition to be elevated to one of the highest unelected posts in our democracy …”

Now you understand the REAL reason why she wants the Senate to delay the confirmation vote:

“… the nomination of a judge to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court is something to be taken seriously and should not be rushed I have called on Senators to have the FBI fully investigate each allegation before they move forward with the confirmation process.

While I can understand Garcia’s message about believing individuals who have suffered sexual abuse, there is much more going on here.

Here are two messages that I think are being proclaimed loud and clear:

1) When stakes are high, politicians (Republicans AND Democrats) will pull out all the stops to get their way.

Unless Garcia is of low intelligence, she needs to acknowledge that the circumstances behind the allegations of sexual misconduct are somewhat shady - they were revealed at the last possible instant for most effect.  Does Garcia not at least suspect the Democrats of pulling a ruthless stunt to delay the proceedings?

As for the Republicans, at first, they weren’t even going to give the accuser any credit at all, and were planning to rush the vote to the floor.  Only when they started to face some push-back did they agree to hold hearings featuring Kavanaugh and his accuser.

2) The founding legal principle that an individual is innocent until proven guilty doesn’t apply when it comes to allegations of sexual misconduct.

Consider what a US Senator from Hawaii said about the allegations of sexual misconduct:

"Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed … But really guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It's the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: just shut up and step up.”

So, individuals who allege sexual misconduct “need to be believed” and that men should “just shut up.”

That according to a sitting US Senator …

But she is not the only one.  Senator Kamala Harris from California also states that she believes the Kavanaugh accuser despite the lack of evidence to support her claims:

“Sen. Kamala Harris said Tuesday that she believes a California woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault …”

Keep in mind that she felt this way before the Senate hearing this past Thursday where Kavanaugh and his accuser provided testimony.

But here is the most dangerous message of all:

Boys should repress their natural sexual tendencies during their late teens and early twenties so they are not accused of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Towards the end of her Blackboard posting, NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia makes an interesting statement:

“We must bury it [the ‘boys will be boys narrative’], once and for all.”

To me, this last message is the most dangerous, because boys ARE boys and they always will be boys – their biological make-up dictates it.

Boys ARE different from girls.

Most importantly, this FACT leads to an inevitable reality.

Before I describe this reality, I want to state clearly that I am not saying that sexual assault and harassment are OK just because “boys will be boys.”

But I will ask the question:

“Where do you draw the line?”

Men are more aggressive BY NATURE – it is in their biology, a result of evolution.  Survival of the human species requires males to pursue women for the purpose of species continuity.

In a similar way, boys pursue girls – it is a natural thing.

Why do you think that boys are usually the ones who most often initiate the first date?

And while on that date, how else is a boy to know if a girl likes him if he doesn’t make a move?
Making a move is a normal step in the initiation of a relationship.  In fact, if he doesn’t make a move, the girl may then dump him for being too wimpy – he didn’t have the confidence to kiss her.

But now what if a boy moves in for a kiss on the first date and the girl doesn’t want him to.  Can she report him for sexual harassment?  Sexual assault?

Or how about this situation.  When a boy is slow dancing with a girl and he is pressing close and the girl continues the dance, can she later say that the boy pressed his body against her and so sexually assaulted her?

And what if during that dance she doesn’t push him away, but presses close also and appears to be enjoying it.  What if then the boy moves his hand down her back and touches her ass because he is receiving what he thinks is a signal to make the next move?

Can the girl have him arrested for sexual assault?

Of course, maybe in this scenario the girl pushes his hand away to give him the idea that he is moving too fast. 

Is it reasonable for the boy to think that the “push away” meant that he was moving too fast but NOT that she might eventually want him to make that move?

How is the guy supposed to know when the move is OK or sexual assault?

In other words, when does “no” really mean “no?”

Don’t girls sometimes play “hard-to-get?”

Isn’t this part of the relationship game where the girl really wants to be pursued so when she says “no” it really doesn’t exactly mean “no?”

Do you see how complicated and silly this can become?

Part of growing up is learning how to establish a relationship.  A lot of what goes on between girls and boys is a learning process.  The boy needs to learn when he has gone too far, and the girl needs to establish boundaries.

If this sounds sexist to you, then I think that you are denying the reality of boys and girls.

Sadly, the way I see it, the #MeToo movement has sent the wrong message in this regard.  I almost feel that they want to set up rules for how a relationship must progress.

How boring relationships would be if this were the case.

Why not just let young adults figure this out on their own?

If a boy steps over the line, he should be punished – no one is denying this.

But that “line” is not set in stone.  It is not a red line.

We have all been through adolescence and know what goes on.  In my experience, it was rare for anyone to step over that line.

Personally, I trust that my son has learned what is right and wrong when it comes to relationships.

I can only hope that the message from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings won’t destroy the joys of sexual discovery.

That would be most unfortunate.
<![CDATA[Clueless … or Worse?  The NEA President’s Recent Comments]]>Wed, 26 Sep 2018 23:27:46 GMThttp://nea-info.org/main/clueless-or-worse-the-nea-presidents-recent-comments
“It Is Difficult to Get a Man [or woman] to Understand Something When His [Her] Salary Depends Upon His [Her] Not Understanding It”
          Upton Sinclair

"NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia gets paid a very large salary.  Over $400,000 the last time I checked... "
          Jonathan Smith, Anti-NEA Blog Writer

NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia was interviewed by Education Week this past July and she was asked the following question:

“Now there are dozens of teachers running for office across the country. What do you make of that?”

In her answer, she recounted a comment made to her during a recent appearance on an NPR radio show.  The caller had the following complaint:

"The problem with NEA is you're too political, you should get out of politics."

At this point Garcia either played the knave or the fool, depending on how you interpret her reaction.  She either knew what the caller really meant but chose to ignore it (KNAVE), or she really doesn't understand how her non-liberal members feel (FOOL).

Here is what she chose to highlight:

“It just still shocks me that saying getting involved in our political process is something that teachers should silence themselves over. Oh no, no, no, no, no.”
Notice that she focuses on the “political process.”

Good move on her part.  After all, what fair-minded individual is going to say that “teachers should silence themselves” and not take part in the “political process.”

Don’t we all have the right to vote?

To drive this point home she added the following:
  • “Hello! In my head … get out of politics means be quiet and sit down and let someone else decide who those political leaders will be …”
  • “We are a political society. The responsibility to say, I would like to serve my country as a candidate, or I need to find out where these candidates stand on the issues that matter me, and I need to come together and make decisions on whether or not we want to collectively help a candidate—how is that bad? How is that not the most profound patriotic act that anyone could have?”

The only problem is that when the caller says that the NEA “should get out of politics” because they are “too political,” she is not suggesting that teachers should sacrifice their civic duty.

She means that the NEA should not express political views that not all of its members agree with.  Stay “out of politics” means keeping your political opinions to yourself.  The only thing that the NEA should be focused on is advocating for teacher salary, benefits and pensions.

Apparently, Garcia doesn't get it.

No one is suggesting that NEA members can't run for office or vote for whoever they want.  And no one is saying that the NEA can't provide information on the candidates that it thinks are best when it comes to educational issues.

The issue is that the NEA doesn't stop there - that is the problem.  It chooses to support liberal social “justice” issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the interest of many of its members.

Worse, many of its members are fundamentally opposed to the positions that the NEA takes on issues of social "justice."

Below you can find links to all of the blog posts I have written showing how the NEA fails to strongly advocate for its members but instead strongly advocates for social “justice” instead.

A quick glance at this extensive list of topics will provide the NEA with a clue why many of its members will choose to opt out of paying dues:

Black Lives MatterBorder WallsCisgenderCivil War (U.S.)"Climate Change"Clinton, Hillary​CommunismConfederate MonumentsConstructivismDACA (Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals)DiversityEarth DayEducation JusticeEducation Lingo (buzz words, shop talk, etc.)Earned HonorsEnvironmentalismGlobal Warming/CoolingGoebbels, JosephGrouping by Ability (Homogeneous Grouping)Gun ControlHomogeneous Grouping"Homophobia"Hypocrisy (NEA)Illegal Immigrants & MinoritiesImmigrationImmigration Act of 1964Liberal Echo ChamberMiddle Eastern RefugeesMinoritiesMulticulturalismNEA Leadership SummitsOppressionPeople of ColorPolitical CorrectnessRacismRestorative JusticeSchool-to-Prison PipelineSex Education in SchoolsSexual Assault/Harassment​Social Justice  and Social Justice WarriorsTransgenderTravel BansTrump, DonaldVictim-HoodVouchersZero-Tolerance Policies